Tuesday, December 7, 2010

As a Woman thinketh

One of my favorite verses is Proverbs 23:7, For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Of course, this applies to a man or woman.  It's amazing, if you can get a person talking about anything, you can figure out what kind of person they are, just in a few minutes.  Do they speak negative or positive.  Do they talk about only them self ...me me me? Or do they never talk about them self, but about others.  Do they make you feel good, or do you want to run away.  It's amazing, people can try to pretend to be someone else, they can try to put on a "mask", but let them start spilling the "beans", and the tongue will slip out clues that they don't even realize.  This passage as so many sides to.  As they talk, which is how they think, is what is "real" to them.  It may not be real to anyone else, but it is their "world".  But just as their personality comes bubbling out, this verse can mean just the opposite also.  What you think about is what you can become, just by thoughts.  Have you ever been thinking about something, and then WHAM, it happens. What, how did that happen.  As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.  Can you actually call something into existence? Can you?  Yes, you can.  In the beginning....God said let there be....and it was good. Are we not made in His image?  Are we not His children.  Doesn't the bible tell us there is power in the tongue.  I'm typing on computer.  It's a piece of machinery, electronic, hard, plastic.  But before it became that, it was a drawing on a piece of paper.  Before it was a drawing, it was a ...what? ...a thought.  A thought, an idea.  Something, someone rolled around in their head, piece by piece.  Yes, a person, thought it, and then it was.  So if you think you are scum of the earth, to you, you are scum of the earth, no matter how many people tell you, you are not.  Because in your heart, that's what you think, Now maybe someone, somewhere told you that, and you begin to say it to yourself and then you start dwelling on it.  So now it's in your heart.  Get it out of there!! That's what we call Stinkin Thinkin!  As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Start thinking positive, start saying positive things.  God loves me.  I am a child of the Almighty God.  I am the righteousness of God.  God has a plan for my life. Get your bible out, and write down 5 positive verses, and repeat them daily.  When the negative starts to come up, stop yourself and say one of the positives verses.  As a man thinks, so is he.  You will be amazed, how these verses will pop up in your mind, in your sleep, in your thoughts, and before you know it, As you think, so you will be!  God Bless You!

1 comment:

  1. A powerful message. I felt your energy through these words. This word is a call for action for anyone who reads it. You have a fire in you that comes through in your words. May God continue to speak through you.
